30 April 2024

How do I create an account?

1. If you want to create an account in our website, click the “Log.in/Register” text on the top right corner of our page


2. It will redirect you to the registration page where you need to fill in required information. After that, click “Register

3. However, if you already have an account, you can scroll down the page a bit, where you can find the log.in section. To log.in, just enter your selected username and password.

4. Click the “Log.in” button. 


How Do I Claim a Listing?

(If you’re already logged in, you can skip to step 4)

1. Once we send you a link for your listing page (or if you found yours on our directory page and would want to claim it), click the link and click the “Claim a Listing” button beside the “Is this your business?

2. The next step, is to click “Log.in”, if you have an existing account, you can log.in using your existing credentials, if not go ahead and register for an account.

enter your details on Log.in (if you have an existing account)

enter your details on Register (if you don’t have an existing account)

3. If you just newly registered an account, go ahead and log.in using the username and password you chose.

4. After that, go back to your listing page. Then click “Claim Listing”

5. Next, enter your details here, then click “Claim Your Business Now

6. Then that’s it! Wait for 24-72 hours  for an email that will inform you whether your listing is approved or denied.


How Do I Submit a Listing?

1. If you want to submit a listing in our Senior Home Partners directory page, just click “Submit a Listing” in our website


2. Enter your Listing name

3. Choose the listing type you want, it can either be free or you can choose to subscribe to our premium listing. Take a look at our pricing here.

4. Enter your business description.

5. The number of details about your business that you can enter depends on your plan. See more information about our pricing below.

6. After filling in your business details just scroll down and click the “create a new listing” button.

7. After that you’re set. You have created a new listing. 


How Do I Purchase a Premium Listing?

1. If you don’t have a listing in our directory yet, click the “Submit a Listing” button located on the top of our front page.

2. Choose “Premium” as your listing type.

3. Then fill up the necessary details and media for your business. For the premium listing, you can add your 

    • Company Name
    • Business Description
    • Additional Details
    • Address
    • Phone
    • Website
    • Email Address
    • Featured Image
    • Company Logo
    • Scheduled Days
    • Video
    • Image Slideshow
    • Extra Links
    • Shortcode
    • Social Media Handles

4. After filling in all the details, scroll down and click “Purchase Your Listing”

5. It will redirect you to a page where you can process your payment through Paypal or Stripe.

6. After that process, wait for 48-72 hours for your premium listing to be published.


How Do I Change My Free Listing to a Premium One?

1. Message va@seniorhomepartners.com to request to upgrade your listing to a premium one.

2. After that, we’ll send you an email which will redirect you to a page for purchasing your premium listing.

3. Find your name in the dropdown and click “Purchase Now

4. It will take you to a link to process your payment. 

5. Complete your purchase and wait for 48-72 hours for your premium listing to be published.

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